無意見看見的文章,覺得很有趣 :P。點此看原連結。之前有提過 Eee PC,這篇則從外國人眼中來看 Eee PC。
The Most Hated Company In the PC Industry
January 4, 2008
By Mike Elgan
Who in the hell is Asustek, and why does Microsoft hate them more than any other company in the industry? Why does Apple, Dell and Palm Computing hate them?
誰他媽的是 Asustek?為什麼 M$ 在產業界最討厭它了?為什麼蘋果、Dell 還有 Palm 都十分的恨它?
And why does Intel love them?
而為什麼 Intel 卻愛死它了?
The Most Hated Company In the PC Industry
January 4, 2008
By Mike Elgan
Who in the hell is Asustek, and why does Microsoft hate them more than any other company in the industry? Why does Apple, Dell and Palm Computing hate them?
誰他媽的是 Asustek?為什麼 M$ 在產業界最討厭它了?為什麼蘋果、Dell 還有 Palm 都十分的恨它?
And why does Intel love them?
而為什麼 Intel 卻愛死它了?